4in Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire’
Philodendron bipinnatifidum x selloum
This product is very delicate, please reach out to discuss shipping options
Bright light, indirect light
10 to 14 days is ideal, more frequent in the summertime vs the cooler months. The frequency of watering depends on the temperature and humidity of your environment, as well as the size of your pot
Temperature and Humidity
This tropical plant loves warmth and humidity. The ideal temperature for a philodendron is between 65 and 95 degrees. Temperatures below 50 degrees will harm your plant, so keep it away from cold, drafty windows in winter. This plant can survive at typical household humidity levels, but running a humidifier near the plant to add moisture can help it thrive. Shoot for around 70% relative humidity in your space if you're measuring the moisture in the air with a hygrometer.
Feed your plant with a nitrogen-rich liquid houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength. Always water before fertilizing, as adding fertilizer to dry soil can harm your philodendron's leaves. Feed once per month during the spring and summer growing season, then stop feeding in fall and winter. Resume fertilizing when the plant comes out of dormancy in spring.
If your philodendron is outgrowing your space or starting to look leggy, you may want to give it a trim. Use a clean, sharp knife or pruners to cut off excess foliage just above a node. It's best to prune the plant in the spring when the plant is actively growing. You can also try propagating new plants from the portions you cut away. Note that dead or dying leaves can be removed at any time to keep your plant looking healthy.